do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers … By the way I recommend using only one bolt. For ultimate precision, the SWAT also comes standard with crisp 2.5-pound sniper-grade trigger system and industry-leading HAWKE XB30 Optic. 415 FPS BOLT SHOOTING SPEED: The Killer Instinct Ripper 415 Crossbow is capable of shooting arrows at the speed of 415 FPS. Every piece has been adjusted with precision to give hunters enhanced accuracy and stability. Mtpilatus; 24 d ago; 7 234 15 d ago. Add to Wishlist Reg $119.99 Save $20.00. I purchased this bow about 3 months ago , and let me tell you. Brand New. Enclosed CNC double barrel system Crossbow Accessories LUMIX SPEEDRING™ 1.5-5 X 32 IR-ILLUMINATED SCOPE WITH SPEED RING $ 99.99. Featuring the exclusive Killer Instinct Accutac™ Barrel System, the SWAT XP changes the game when it comes to broadhead accuracy. Swat Xp Custom String and Cable Suggestions. Model94; 19 d ago; 4 309 11 d ago. This Xbow is the best I've ever shot. New (Other) 4.5 out of 5 stars. Gas Block - 1-7⁄8" (4.8cm) long, 1" (2.5cm) wide, 1-7⁄16" (3.6cm) high. Free returns. Utilizing the same technology and consistency as the KillerTech PRO Bolts but refined for use with the Killer Instinct SWAT crossbow. The enclosed 360-degree revolutionary design provides greater guidance and support to reduce the amount of … The enclosed 360-degree revolutionary design provides greater guidance and support to reduce the amount of … BARNETT Whitetail Hunter STR Crossbow in Mossy Oak Bottomland 4.7 out of 5 stars 861 # 1 Best Seller in Archery Crossbows. Combine that with the dead silent crank system and you’ve got yourself a very efficient stealth crossbow that you can hunt the biggest game with. We offer grand choices for Killer Instinct Tactical Crossbow. Calibers: 5.56mm, .22, .223, 6mm, .240, .243, .244, 7mm, .270, .284, .30, .308, .338, .340, .35, .350, .358, .375, .416, .44, .45-70, .458, .460, .50, .54 Simply apply bore cleaner to the front of the cord, oil to the end, drop the weighted end down the bore, and pull through. Brand New. The narrow 14 The Killer Instinct SWAT XP is a small, ultra-compact crossbow with outstanding broadhead accuracy, that shoots bolts up to 415 feet per second. Facebook; Youtube; SHOP; CUSTOMER SERVICE. With the SWAT, the crossbolt and broadhead are now completely concealed in the riser for unmatched safety. Spot-on-arrow; 4 mo ago ; 16 806 19 d ago. The SWAT with CST is able to produce speeds of 385+ FPS with an ultra-short 29 Killer Instinct Swat Crossbow Package. Advanced carbon construction creates spine consistency for greater accuracy, exceptional reliability and repeat performance. Free shipping. When we look at the specs of the Killer Instinct SWAT crossbow the 165 lbs. Watch; Bone Collector 1100-B … … Vance Outdoors reserves the right to modify or change pricing information or descriptions without notice. Great savings on Killer Instinct Tactical Crossbow. Also, the Double Barrel System acts as a noise and vibration suppressor, resulting in one of the quietest crossbows available. CONTACT US; SHIPPING & RETURNS; LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY; TRIGGERTECH RECALL; FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS; PRODUCT VIDEOS. Killer Instinct SWAT XP CrossbowThe Swat is designed for unparalleled balance, control and fit. Don’t have time to hunt anymore. FREE SHIPPING on Over 250,000 Products. You can defiantly give it a thought if you are planning to buy a new crossbow this year. The All-New Killer Instinct® SWAT™ XP is an ultra-compact 27-inch crossbow that shoots a fierce 415 FPS with unmatched balance, control and accuracy. When you redeem your points (exclusions apply). Watch; Killer Instinct Boss 405 Crossbow Package. Side and bottom rails attach easily with two screws, so you can configure the unit for each mission's requirements. Learn: About Us Policies Reviews Holiday Shopping How To. Watch; Killer Instinct Swat XP 415 Crossbow Package. This is because it is lightweight, maneuverable and compact in nature. A unique design for hardcore crossbow hunters, the Killer Instinct® Swat XP Crossbow Package offers unmatched balance, control and accuracy on every shot. I set it up with first pin Mark at 25 yards . Help Me Choose Recommend to a friend Report This Get this item for $0.00. M. Spynal Tapps for XP. Mfg: Berrys ManufacturingCheck price and Read more Detail At Berrys Manufacturing, Copyright © 2020 Increase Sale Now RN53. Mounts securely to barrel with three, hardened steel setscrews. Killer Instinct Crossbows © $899.00. 2 product ratings - Killer Instinct Burner 415 Crossbow Bow Archery Pro Package with 3 Bolts Gray. © Shooting Surplus. Barnett Crossbow; Crossbow Pistol; Compound Bow; Bow; Crossbow Ravin; Excalibur Crossbow; Killer Instinct Tactical Crossbow Sale. 100 count box. or Best Offer +$57.00 shipping. Quick setup , only had to mount the scope and quiver. Trying out the Swat 408 by Killer Instinct at a longer distance. Gas Block Kit Includes modular gas block with three add-on rails. The enclosed 360-degree revolutionary design provides greater guidance and support to reduce the amount of … document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Killer Instinct Burner 415 Crossbow Package, Killer Instinct Rush 380 Crossbow Package, Killer Instinct Speed 425 Crossbow Package. The Killer Instinct SWAT crossbow is an ideal weapon for people who are serious about hunting. The swat crossbow gives users 415 FPS with an assist launching system. Killer Instinct Crossbows for sale at Borkholder Archery Killer Instinct introduces their first of many-to-come high performance crossbows. This bow is a game changer in performance and a SWAT crossbow review on the specs. I learned the hard way after … 5.0 out of 5 stars. Killer Instinct SWAT XP Crossbow Elite Package 3.8 out of 5 stars 11. Perfect for the first-time crossbow user, or a seasoned veteran, this... Quick Draw Bowfishing Line PullerSilverThe Q.D. Watch; Killer Instinct Burner 415 Crossbow Bow Archery Pro Package with 3 Bolts Gray. 1-7⁄8" long, 2Check price and Read more Detail At Brownells. Featuring the exclusive Killer Instinct Accutac TM Barrel System, the SWAT XP changes the game when it comes to broadhead accuracy. Killer Instinct Crossbows are industry leading, fast, dependable, and powerful crossbows that gives you the confidence to never stop pursuing your passion! The cone-shaped, nylon bore guide on the lead end protects your gun's rifling. Instinct 405 Lethal Killer FPS … 6 pk.The heavy weight of the HYPR Crossbow bolt delivers maximum penetration to crush big game with hard hitting kinetic energy and devastating knock-down... Killer Instinct Crank CockerQuick post and socket attachment crank cocking aid specifically for KI Series crossbows. Points you can use. These bows produces speeds of 400 FPS+ at affordable prices. Fits standard .750" (19mm) dia. This compact, sleek design with... Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Scope1.5-5x32The Killer Instinct 1.5-5x32 IR-E Crossbow Archery Scope is the elite, high performance crossbow scope. total overall length and minimalist 165LB draw weight. Brand New. Featuring the… Killer Instinct Swat Crossbow. Killer Instinct Swat XP 415fps Crossbow Package #1120. The All-New Killer Instinct® SWAT™ XP is an ultra-compact 27-inch crossbow that shoots a fierce 415 FPS with unmatched balance, control and accuracy. The Rifle Viper is just like the original Bore Snake, with 50% more scrubbing surface for those extra-tough cleaning jobs. Featuring the exclusive Killer Instinct Accutac™ Barrel System, the SWAT XP changes the game when it comes to broadhead accuracy. The Killer Instinct® 1.5-5×32 IR-E Crossbow Archery Scope is the elite, high … This high-powered design also balances … The performance specs-to-value are ground breaking. or Best Offer. line puller with arrow holder is used to create resistance/drag when you are fighting that big fish or to pull an arrow out of that muddy muck... Killer Instinct Burner 415 Crossbow Package A1. axle-to-axle limbs have DEADENING Noise and Vibration Silencers installed for additional stealth and the 6.9LB weight feels even lighter than advertised because of the extreme center balance of the bow. Buy It Now. Killer Instinct Swat Xp Crossbow Welcome to - The world's largest bowhunters warehouse. Featuring the exclusive Killer Instinct Accutac™ Barrel System, the SWAT XP changes the game when it comes to broadhead accuracy. Free shipping. Crossbow. Mfg: Brownells SPECS: Aluminum, matte black, hardcoat anodized finish. The only crossbolt recommended for use with the SWAT Double Barrel System, these bolts will deliver radical speed, crushing kinetic energy and unmatched accuracy. Free shipping. Killer Instinct SWAT XP CrossbowThe Swat is designed for unparalleled balance, control and fit. View Details. Mtpilatus; 23 d ago; 8 363 21 d ago. by Z-Rider. Free returns. Extra, built-in bronze brushes and braided cord clean and oil the bor Mfg: HoppesCheck price and Read more Detail At Hoppes, Berry's Utility ammo box features the new, stronger snap hinge design, allowing security of your ammunition with easy one hand access. The Concealed String Technology compresses the string into the barrel and doubles as an ultra-comfortable cheek rest. CROSSBOW ASSEMBLY; COCK, LOAD & … It accomplishes this by compressing the string into the barrel using Concealed String Technology (CST) compression levers. With the Double Barrel System, the string floats free in-between the barrels to eliminate friction and improve accuracy. Item# 00603050000P | Model# 1095 | Added on December 7, 2017 | Sold by (0 Ratings) More. Barnett Whitetail Hunter II Crossbow 4.7 out of 5 stars 689. I had it sighted in , in 3 shots. This ammo box does not have individual cell dividers. Look inside store for get more discount,If you want to see more details Can be ordered at the online store that we recommend. All machined construction.Post and socket designQuick to useDesigned for KI series... Killer Instinct Magtek Silent CrankThe Magtek crank rapidly attaches and detaches in seconds to safely and silently cock your crossbow at a moment’s notice. 1-810-626-3026 Foundry theme by Pixel Union, powered by BigCommerce. 6 pk.The High Velocity HYPR Lite bolts are engineered specifically to maximize the speed delivered by today’s high-powered crossbows. The Rifle Viper Bore Snake is a braided nylon, pull-through cleaning cord that scrubs, cleans, and lubricates in a single step. Shop now and get Free Value Shipping on most orders over $49 to the contiguous 48 states, DC and to all U.S. Military APO/FPO/DPO addresses. These bullets are being used by High Power and Long-Range shooters more and more! 6 pk.22" carbon crossbow bolts for the Killer Instinct SWAT 408 crossbow.22" carbon boltsFor use with Killer Instinct SWAT 408 Nonetheless, I hope that reviews about it Moultrie Trace Sg 25 Reviews And Killer Instinct Swat 408 For Sale will be useful. By utilizing the full length of the bow, the high energy power stroke rears all the way to the back of... Killer Instinct Slayer Crossbow CaseDesigned for more compact crossbows, the Slayer Crossbow Case offers the protection needed to keep your bow safe when chasing big game or storing in the off-season... Killer Instinct Hypr Crossbow Bolts20 in. CST concealed string technology KILLER INSTINCT 22″ HYPR SWAT CROSSBOW BOLTS – 6 PACK $ 49.99. or Best Offer. Killer Instinct Swat XP 415fps Crossbow Package #1120. Shop now and save big on Ebay! The enclosed 360-degree revolutionary design provides greater guidance and support to reduce the amount of … 2.5 lb. Featuring the exclusive Killer Instinct Accutac™ Barrel System, the SWAT XP changes the game when it comes to broadhead accuracy. Years of research, design and testing has resulted in an ultra-compact 27-inch crossbow shooting 415 FPS that’s unmatched in balance, control and accuracy. Easy to use Speed Ring adjustment allows scope to... Killer Instinct Hypr Lite Crossbow Bolts20 in. Only 2 months old. The All-New Killer Instinct® Swat™ Xp Is An Ultra-Compact 27-Inch Crossbow That Shoots A Fierce 415 Fps While Being Unmatched In Balance, Control And Accuracy. Package Includes: single point Xbow sling, deadening string and limb suppressors, 3 Killertech bolts, 5 bolt quiver, tactical side quiver mount, rope cocker, rail lube. to experience for yourself. Nosler has combined the accuracy of the SAME bullet jackets used in custom bullets with their own ultra-precise lead alloy cores to create high performance match bullets in 6.5mm calibers. Featuring the exclusive Killer Instinct Accutac Barrel System The Enclosed 360-Degree Revolutionary Design Provides Greater Guidance And Support To Reduce The … By utilizing the full length of the bow, the high energy power stroke rears all the way to the back of the bullpup design. $899.00. $360.22. Product is not … They combine superior craftsmanship and next level design, technical innovation, and uncompromising quality so you can have ultimate confidence in your gear. All-New SWAT XP. Featuring The Exclusive Killer Instinct Accutac™ Barrel System, The Swat Xp Changes The Game When It Comes To Broadhead Accuracy. All Rights Reserved. The 17.5 Mfg: Nosler, Inc.Check price and Read more Detail At Nosler, Inc. The All-New Killer Instinct SWAT XP is an ultra-compact 27-inch crossbow that shoots 415 FPS. *** Please check more details at the merchant website. Included: LUMIX Speed Ring 1.5-5x32 IR-E Scope, Dead Silent Crank, Rope Cocker, String and Limb Suppressors, 5-Bolt Quiver, 3-SWAT XP Sub-Compact crossbow has arrived. … While every effort is made to include accurate and correct images, descriptions and pricing for all products, inadvertent errors may occur. Its 360 degrees design has enabled the manufacturers to minimize the number of crossbow … Precision-machined from rugged, 6061 billet aluminum for superior strength without weighing down your weapon. Hawke XB30 Pro 1-5x24 scope The Killer Instinct® SWAT TM XP is an ultra-compact 27-inch crossbow that shoots a fierce 415 FPS with unmatched balance, control and accuracy. Has been adjusted with precision to give hunters enhanced accuracy and dependability in mind SWAT XP Crossbow to. Tactical Package enabled the manufacturers to minimize the number of Crossbow … XP! Nylon, pull-through cleaning cord that scrubs, cleans, and lubricates in a single step years... Instinct Hypr Lite Bolts are engineered specifically to maximize the SPEED delivered by today ’ s high-powered crossbows SPEED... 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