People would see the risen Christ, know that this man was resurrected and they still didn’t believe in him. Is that right? By March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization had declared a global pandemic. It will also be available for purchase in paperback from Crossway. We are not yet with him in our less than perfect humanity. Everything is rosy, “I’ve got my plans. I’d be happy to do that, Collin. John Piper, author, speaker, and founder of Desiring God, offered "four biblical realities" in a special episode of "Ask Pastor John" on Friday to help Christians make sense of the coronavirus outbreak. John Piper: It’s not romanticism to want to have a sigh of relief. Surabaya, 60292 May 8, 1945 – Jan 6, 2020. Since it’s purposeful and he’s good and wise, his purposes are always good, even if you can’t see all of them. John Piper: What has to happen? Silakan mengunduh ebook secara gratis dalam format PDF untuk dapat dibaca di berbagai perangkat digital pilhan Anda seperti ponsel, tablet, laptop, dan komputer. As James sums it up is that God is merciful and gracious. The reason I know that is because when he gets to the prayer in verse 16, and he prays that we would have a spirit of Revelation and the knowledge of him, he says, “I want the eyes of your hearts to be opened, enlightened to know.”. You need a foundation you can stand on. In Coronavirus and Christ, the respected Baptist theologian seeks to explain how believers the world over can stand on the rock of Christ during the pandemic.. Collin Hansen: I think that’s the key. He is also a council member of the Gospel Coalition. In the new book Coronavirus and Christ, John Piper writes this: “The coronavirus is God’s thunderclap call for all of us to repent and realign our lives with the infinite worth of Christ.”. He said, “Whether you wake or sleep, you will live with me.” What I learned was that among the thousands of precious promises that there are in the Bible, God is able to bring to mind the ones we need when we need them most. I think God is summoning the world to repent and realign their lives with the infinite worth of Jesus. Forbid that they would remain asleep in the darkness of pride and unbelief, in your great mercy. John Piper is founder and senior teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. I don’t think that was a pastorally or theologically helpful sentence. Buku cetak disediakan secara terbatas untuk kami bagikan secara gratis kepada orang-orang yang berada di daerah dengan akses internet yang sulit seperti Papua dan kepada orang-orang tertentu yang tidak memiliki akses terhadap perangkat digital. I try to make that clear in the book, that my opinion and yours, Collin, and no other human being’s opinion counts for anything when it comes to things like this. Corona, California. On January 11, 2020, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) reportedly claimed its first victim in the Hubei province of China. Here is the full segment with a summarized outline below: Preface: God is sovereign. Will he have any credibility when this is over? Stretch forth tour hand in great awakening. My guess is 10,000 that we’re going to do something different. The Hardest Year and the Hope That Never Fails, New Calvinists and the Battle for Evangelicalism, Get Updates About The Coronavirus In Your Inbox. We’re theologically ready, but are we ready? Someone Will Catechize Your Kids in 2021. Sin is this serious. Learn more at We are justified, we are free from condemnation. Why? John Piper: Well, thanks Collin for having me. Author, theologian, and preacher John Piper released a new book on Wednesday called Coronavirus and Christ, which offers biblical answers and hope amid the present COVID-19 pandemic. Pertanyaannya, Apakah ada Batu Karang yang menjadi pijakan kita; sebuah Batu Karang yang tidak dapat diguncangkan selamanya?” — JOHN PIPERPada tanggal 11 Januari 2020, sebuah virus baru bernama Corona (COVID-19) dilaporkan membunuh korban pertamanya di provinsi Wuhan, Cina. God is good and He is in control. He takes a good tree and he loosens and he shapes it. We too cry out, “If it is possible, let this cup pass.”. Amazing how timely it is, no matter what happens to be scrolling through our Twitter timelines. So I’m really quite perplexed by what he wrote there. In Coronavirus and Christ, John Piper invites readers around the world to stand on the solid Rock, who is Jesus Christ, in whom our souls can be sustained by the sovereign God who ordains, governs, and reigns over all things to accomplish his wise and good purposes for those who trust in him. Apr 16, 2020 by Jill. His new ebook and audio book. Those things are stated in such a way that it is not fanciful to draw a line from them to the coronavirus, which is what I tried to do in the last part of that book. Christ au sein du coronavirus. John Piper: Where he said, “I command you. ‎Show The Crossway Podcast, Ep Full Audiobook: Coronavirus and Christ (John Piper) - 7 de abr. The secret, I said, is knowing that the same sovereignty that could stop the coronavirus, yet doesn’t, is the very sovereignty that sustains the soul in it. How can I know? In Coronavirus and Christ, author John Piper offers six biblical answers to just that question. What you’re about to read in this man’s tragic loss of children, loss of health is not about his personal sins. God subjecting nature to futility and corruption is a drama put in front of people every day of their lives. I hope people will look beyond that kind of counsel to the way the Bible really does give concrete, specific, helpful answers to people’s questions. John Piper sprak in de podcast Gospelbound van The Gospel Coalition met Collin Hansen over wat God doet door middel van het coronavirus. It’s not knee-jerk. John Piper: For the sake of this perishing world, let the terrible words of Revelation not be spoken over this generation, yet still they did not repent. He was thanking me for that section in the book. John Piper: The key is this, knowing that the same sovereignty that could stop the virus and doesn’t is the very sovereignty that sustains the soul in it. And it’s to help us know that God has his purposes. And Noel and I smiled at each other and said, “Isn’t it great that we lean on God and not odds?” I just revel every time I think about how well-timed God’s help is. Dengarkan buku versi audio secara lengkap yang berdurasi 150 menit dengan mengunduh file MP3 atau dapat mengakses melalui podcast Literatur Perkantas Jatim di Spotify dan Anchor. Excellent. John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. You need a foundation you can stand on. Wright’s comments saying that it’s presumptuous to judge what God’s doing through the Coronavirus, but you disagree. John Piper: He calls it a knee-jerk would-be Christian reaction. CONTACT : Collin Hansen: Amen. “This is a time when the fragile form of this world is felt. On January 11, 2020, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) reportedly claimed its first victim in the Wuhan province of China. On January 11, 2020, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) reportedly claimed its first victim in the Wuhan province of China. God is good, and he is in control. I mentioned six of them in the book. Human beings tend to not go into missions because they’re just so settled. The seemingly solid foundations are shaking. Why would the heart preference of Adam and Eve for Satan and for self over God, the heart preference, which introduced sin and death into the world, introduced death, misery into the world, why would God take that out on their bodies? He has written and contributed to many books, mostly recently Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age, and hosts the Gospelbound podcast. Please make sure all fields are filled out. They could apply to any number of things individually and collectively. Jesus alone. It’s taking one aspect of Scripture and using it to silence other aspects of Scripture. I have an inheritance, I know I have a great hope, I know God died for me and that there’s a great power exerted toward me to raise me from the dead. No, everything doesn’t have to have an explanation that we know. Father, at our best moments, by your grace, we are not sleeping in Gethsemane, we are awake and listening to your Son’s prayer. The following is an uncorrected transcript generated by a transcription service. You were redeemed by the blood of Christ. One is the secret … It’s not a secret if you read the Bible, but the sweet secret of experiencing sovereignty as sweet in the midst of a bitter providence, and that’s exactly what I think it is. He said, “Rationalists want explanations, romantics want a sigh of relief.” Actually everybody, deep down in their sober moments, want explanations and need help from the Bible. And I said in the book that I don’t hear voices, but oh my, do I hear the Lord. I find, John, even then, it’s still a fight for me to seize on to the Bible’s theological promises of future hope in Christ when I’m dragged down by today’s news. That’s not an accident in Luke’s account. O pastor e teólogo John Piper escreveu um livro sobre a crise que o mundo passa atualmente e sobre a confiança que o cristão deve depositar em Deus em momentos como este.. O teólogo lembra aos cristãos onde está nossa esperança e relata muitas das suas experiencias pessoais, como quando enfrentou um câncer de próstata. John Piper: A third way is just the sense of eternity. They love money and they love the praise of man. When he defines lament as what happens when the question why doesn’t get an answer, that’s simply too narrow. I just know he means to get this done. The text I use in the book to support it is Acts chapter eight, where eight chapters after being told, “Take this gospel from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to the ends of the earth,” and they’re still stuck in Jerusalem eight chapters into this history. I know that there are many, many things God has to say about this. The Devil knows these things but he hates them. We can drive that out.” I mean, sin is a scary thing. John Piper: I mentioned in the book that God has billions of purposes in this. Not because of my perfection. John Piper joined me on Gospelbound to discuss what God is doing in the coronavirus and the recent articles by N. T. Wright for Time. I don’t think it’s unbiblical to say that God has dealt bitterly with the world right now. John Piper: While I was waiting for the urologist to go get the machine that does the biopsy, the Lord spoke. I think it needs to be said, Collin, and I didn’t see this for 20 years, where Jesus said, “The Pharisees were lovers of money.” You know, most people don’t think of Pharisees …. Ia rindu menyaksikan bagi Anda  mengapa Allah di dalam Kristus adalah sebuah Batu Karang dan juga menunjukkan bagaimana rasanya berdiri di atas kasih-Nya yang ajaib pada momen bersejarah ini, yaitu di masa pandemi virus corona ini. God is real, sin is real, Christ is real, heaven and hell are real. Even if you knew those odds, such knowledge would bring little comfort. It’s going to happen because the gates of hell can’t prevail against the church. He is also a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. We’d love to hear what you hope and what we can pray that God would do in that way. So I was very disappointed and I hope that … I am sure that Dr. Wright in his pastoral labors with people does give them hope. His aim is to show us that God is at work in this moment in history, even if it is hard to see it right now. Wright? You know, I love that translation. Let’s go finish the Great Commission because we had a long eternity in front of us and life here is very, very fragile. Let me just bullet two or three things. He calls it a reflection of rationalism. Collin Hansen: In preaching that passage in June, and you’ve done some work for me, which I appreciate. That’s the key. He is the author of more than 50 books, and more than 30 years of his preaching and teaching is available free of charge at For 33 years, he served as pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. John Piper, langjähriger Pastor und Gründer des christlichen Werkes DesiringGod, hat mit genau diesem Anliegen ein kurzes Buch mit dem Titel Corona und Christus verfasst, das von unserem befreundeten Netzwerk Evangelium21 in deutscher Sprache herausgegeben wurde. At the end of the book, John, you conclude with a prayer. There are numerous laments, which are precisely in response to what we know exactly what is happening and it’s painful. I say that as an overstatement because it’s unique. You were predestined for adoption. John Piper joins me on Gospelbound to discuss what God is doing in the coronavirus, how we can persevere in prayer for an end to this pandemic and why the health and wealth gospel must be exposed as impotent and dangerous. Dasar-dasarnya yang selama ini tampak kokoh, berguncang. The odds for surgery and the odds for radiation, the odds for this and that. Di dalam buku Coronavirus and Christ ini, John Piper mengajak para pembaca di seluruh dunia untuk berpijak di atas Batu Karang yang teguh, yaitu Yesus Kristus, yang pada-Nya jiwa kita dipelihara oleh Allah yang berdaulat. It’s because of Jesus. 20 Quotes from John Piper on the Coronavirus. John Piper: But he has said specific things in his Word that are so incredibly helpful about the reason God ordains pain in many of our lives. John Piper: I mean, all the other plagues that have come and gone haven’t been quite like this just because of the connectedness of the world. In this pandemic, God is inviting us to build our lives in the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. This is experiential, joyful, embracing knowledge that you may know, three things, the hope to which you’ve been called, the glory of your inheritance and the immeasurable greatness of God’s power that he worked in you when he raised Jesus from the dead. My job does not really afford me the ability to be able to avoid a lot of exposure to that news if I want to just put my head in the sand and try to get through that way. Now if, God willing, this thing passes, what will they do with their lives? Grant us capacities of outrage at our own belittling of Your glory. John Piper: Judas, I can kind of get. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. John Piper: That’s right. And that Word is not silent about sovereignty, it’s not silent about suffering, it’s not silent about his wisdom, not silent about his purposefulness. Nobody loses any sleep over that kind of treason. Why would he take it out on nature with all kinds of futility and corruption? God meant it for good. Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” I think that is Jesus’s way of saying whenever you begin to speculate about what other people, how they had sinned, when something horrible happens to them, you should pause and realize, “No, horrible things are in the world to cause you to repent.” It’s a summons to repent and I don’t think it would be at all a stretch to say that applies to this moment. This is just so unhelpful.” What I have in mind there is when he says … I think this is the most telling sentence, “What if there are moments,” he writes, “What if there are moments when the only advice is to wait without hope because we’d be hoping for the wrong thing.” Well, I just am not sure what he was trying to do with the sentence, “There are moments when the only advice is to wait without hope.” I think that’s not true. He is author of more than 50 books, including Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist and most recently Providence. Collin Hansen: How likely are you to contract the coronavirus, to die of it or at least to know someone who does? You know, you were referring to odds, it doesn’t help to know what your odds are. T. Wright, please, what are you doing? John Piper: Cut from us the roots and remnant of pride and hate and unjust ways. Di tengah-tengah ketakutan dan ketidakpastian ini, banyak orang bertanya-tanya, apa yang sedang dilakukan Allah? You talk about from his Word. Your Neighbor’s New Creed: ‘In This House, We Believe . 9 Things You Should Know About Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, Don’t Take It from Me: Reasons You Should Not Marry an Unbeliever, Christian Nationalism vs. Christian Patriotism, How Postmodern Pseudo-Prophecy Dishonors God. John Piper is the founder and teacher of and the chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. That’s such a good thing. This can be a difficult thing to reconcile theologically, it can also just be difficult to reconcile emotionally. What does God do? Er fügt, lenkt und regiert alles so, dass seine weisen und guten Pläne für alle Wirklichkeit werden, die ihm vertrauen. John Piper Cinco Pontos . I mean, we’ve had our disagreements over the years, I consider him my brother. There is always hope for the Christian. But how can I see these glorious promises you’re talking about here from scripture as they really are, which is more real than what I’m perceiving about my circumstances? So the roots are loose. Therefore, when you put together God’s sovereign, purposeful, wisdom in all things, it would be in my judgment, absurd—indeed, blasphemous—to say that God has no purposes in what he’s doing in the most historically amazing thing that’s ever happened. He’s praying for the Ephesian believers that they would experience the life walloping power of those three glorious realities. The Bible is a very glorious, big, rich book and it is lavish grace that we are given wisdom and insight in the Bible as to what God is up to in the world. Those two things are so powerful in the sinful human soul that you can put Coronavirus right in front of their face and they’ll say, “We can heal that. He knows a lot more than I do about a lot of things. There was anybody as good Job in this author’s experience. That’s why it’s written. It is so unbelievably insane producing. I got an email from J, D. Greer and I don’t think he’d mind me sharing this. That’s the absolute biblical key. John Piper: But here’s a second thing of the way I think it works. You don’t think that’s presumptuous, what did you make of that article by N.T. It’s just so encouraging to me that Paul structured Ephesians 1 exactly that way. (Di Mana Allah dalam Dunia dengan Virus Corona) In dit interview worden de recente artikelen van N.T. And at the end, you see God meant it for good, those brothers meant it for evil. John Piper es fundador de y rector de Bethlehem College & Seminary. John Piper: Yeah. Neste livro, John Piper fala sobre um tema fundamental do cristianismo: a graça salvadora de Deus, ao abordar os mistérios da obra redentora de Cristo, que comprou, ao preço de seu próprio sangue, o dom da fé para os Filhos de Deus. The belittling of God is an outrage just as serious as the coronavirus and more. How likely are you to contract the coronavirus? John Piper: That’s been worked over long enough so I won’t go there because I really do think there is a problem and it’s not that simple to just say that and be done with it. In the midst of this fear and uncertainty, it is natural to wonder what God is doing. But I think he said enough in the article to warrant the title and therefore, it was not unduly provocative probably. Psalm 107 is a good example or Romans 8. That’s one way. I don’t make any statement in this book about anybody’s particular sin being identified with their particular suffering, though that’s possible. Collin Hansen: My church happens to be going through the story of Joseph right now and a long exposition through Genesis, very kind of God in his providence to be able to guide us through that section of Scripture during this time. Durante 33 años se ha desempeñado como pastor de Bethlehem Baptist Church en Minneapolis, Minnesota. Theologian John Piper has offered Christians four ways they can biblically understand the coronavirus, which has infected about 87,000 so far and killed more than 3,000 people. he knows deep down that he must suffer but in His perfect humanity, he cries out, “If it is possible, let this cup pass.” In the same way, we sense deep down that this pandemic is appointed in your wisdom for good and necessary purposes. I think it’s very strange to set up your position by caricature in other’s decisions as silly. John Piper: The reason my mind goes here is because I’ve recently spent a lot of time since I had a trip to Asia canceled. We also discussed how we can persevere in prayer for an end to this pandemic, and why the health-and-wealth gospel from the likes of Kenneth Copeland must be exposed as impotent and dangerous. That plan never fails because God’s Word never fails. But this one, we’re watching in real time touch every nation in the world. They’re not dodgy, they’re not evasive, they’re not tricky, they’re not speculations, they’re straight out of the Bible. But do not waste our misery and grief, oh Lord. John Piper: If I wanted to be really clever here, I could quote Charles Spurgeon. There are riches of grace for you. The question we should be asking is, Do we have a Rock under our feet? Old-fashioned word for greed. John Piper: I find that kind of setting up of his position, of not offering explanations over against caricatured silliness and dodginess and knee-jerk would-be people is really quite unhelpful. I don’t think it’s right at all to say that it is presumptuous to ask God, from his Word, what he’s doing. I command you. It’s good for our children. Interested in reading more? It’s groaning, “Oh God, oh God, I can hardly stand this pain that I’m in.” That’s what people who are born of God, full of the Holy Spirit feel when they’re dealing with the corruption and futility of this world and it’s not without explanation. You’re citing specific passages that have fairly general application. Ele exerce seu ministério pastoral na Bethlehem Baptist Church, em Minneapolis, MN, nos EUA desde 1980. Piper menawarkan enam jawaban alkitabiah terhadap pertanyaan tersebut dan menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa Allah sedang bekerja pada momen bersejarah ini. —John Piper. That’s no big deal. Collin Hansen: John, you’ve read N.T. I think parents who try to hide this from their kids and not let them think any deep or scary thoughts or not thinking clearly about what it means to get their children ready to live in the real world. John Piper: He writes these breathtaking descriptions of who we are in Christ and how we got there and what God’s doing to keep us there, then he prays. It is a good thing. He works everything together for the counsel of his will. de 2020 ‎Listen to a full audio recording of Coronavirus and Christ—a brand-new book written and read by John Piper. Your Son was innocent. Then the only question is, has he said anything that would clue us into what they are? Collin Hansen: Can you open the book, recounting your cancer diagnosis on December 21, 2005, what did you learn then that comforts you now? In the midst of this fear and uncertainty, it is natural to wonder what God is doing. That’s the way I feel about right now, it’s what we feel about my family. When you hear when you read the book of Job, for example, it’s clear that the author wants us not to attribute Job’s suffering to his particular sins. Theologian John Piper has offered Christians four ways they can biblically understand the coronavirus, which has infected about 87,000 so far and killed more than 3,000 people. Buy Coronavirus and Christ by Piper, John (ISBN: 9781433573590) from Amazon's Book Store. John Piper: And that’s better than Devil knowledge, right? By March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization had declared a global pandemic. — JOHN PIPER Pada tanggal 11 Januari 2020, sebuah virus baru bernama Corona (COVID-19) dilaporkan membunuh korban pertamanya di provinsi Wuhan, Cina. We’re ready for this. 11 verses of theology and it’s the richest in the world and then comes, “God, grant these Ephesians to know this.” Feel this, love this, live in this. Pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020, WHO mengumumkan pandemi global. 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