de Phys., 18 74, 3, p. I; a similar suggestion was made independently by G. Luther for his part did not stop at the suggestion, but in order to facilitate the change made special efforts to spread his teaching among the Prussians, while Albert's brother, George, prince of Ansbach, laid the scheme before Sigismund of Poland. Having listened to a suggestion from Davout, who was now called Prince d'Eckmuhl, to turn the Russian left wing, Napoleon said it should not be done, without explaining why not. heliometer, completed in 1887 for the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, Repsolds, on Gill's suggestion, introduced the following improvements: (a) Four different speeds of motion in position angle were provided. The suggestion to place Brachiopods with the Polyzoa, Phoronis, Rhabdopleura and Cephalodiscus, in the Phylum Podaxonia made in Ency. A person could dedicate his life to understanding just one suggestion and never even get close. At his suggestion they cast lots, and the first man was killed by the second and so on, until all were dead except Josephus and (perhaps) one other. casual play full of fascination and moral suggestion. Elizabethan period; a slight suggestion sends the interlocutors off on the discussion of current reforms in church and state and society. It was on the eve of their going to Rome, for the second time, that the fathers met Ignatius at Vicenza and it was determined to adopt a common rule and, at the suggestion of Ignatius, the name of the Company of Jesus. The warders at an asylum have been hypnotized to sleep by the bedside of dangerous patients, and "suggested" to awake the instant the patients attempt to get out of bed, sounds which had no import for them being inhibited by suggestion. Professor Kasner is believed to have come up with the word googol at the suggestion of his nine-year-old nephew, Milton Sirotta. It contains a suggestion of a Panama Canal, "by which the voyage to the South Sea would be shortened by more than 150o leagues.". The majority of this decided to approach the crown with a suggestion for a reform of the Russian system on the basis of a national representative assembly, an extension of local self-government, and wider guarantees for individual liberty. Chemists gradually tired of the notion of atomic weights on account of the uncertainty which surrounded them; and the suggestion made by W. In his letters to his friend Mathilde Wesendonck, it appears that while he was composing Tristan he already had the inspiration of working out the identification of Kundry, the messenger of the Grail, with the temptress who, under the spell of Klingsor, seduces the knights of the Grail; and he had, moreover, thought out the impressively obscure suggestion that she was Herodias, condemned like the wandering Jew to live till the Saviour's second coming. Weismann, Lady Verney) have shown by experimenting upon birds that this suggestion is correct; and Guy Marshall found that baboons which are afraid of snakes are also afraid of the snake-like larva of the South African Chaerocampa osiris. ), both (3) and (4) were due to this idea as operative on Syrian soil; (5) is a secondary formation based on (3) as known to the West. 2 After the Democrats won New York in 1799, Hamilton proposed to Governor John Jay to call together the out-going Federalist legislature, in order to choose Federalist presidential electors, a suggestion which Ja y simply endorsed: " Proposing a measure for party purposes which it would not become me to adopt.". He died on the 7th of February 1837, and, at the suggestion of King Oscar II. He substituted Tuscans for foreigners in government The offices, introduced a system of free trade in foodstuffs (at the suggestion of the Sienese Sallustio II. The hands could then clean the forearms, face and feet. We will do the same in 2022 also. Memories are notoriously fallible on material facts, vulnerable to suggestion, to rewriting, to complete erasure. Immediately on his arrival, in February 1800, the duke of Orleans, at the suggestion of Dumouriez, sought an interview with the comte d'Artois, through whose instrumentality he was reconciled with the exiled king Louis XVIII., who bestowed upon his brothers the order of the Saint Esprit. This plan, subsequently enlarged by a suggestion of a fellow plotter, J. Stoll, Suggestion and Hypnotismus in der Volkerpsychologie; article "Greatrakes" in Dict. is very sensible of the prudence and, at the same time, the anxiety for the welfare of the Irish Establishment which the archbishop has manifested during the course of the debates, and she will be very glad if the amendments which have been adopted at his suggestion lead to a settlement of the question; but to effect this, concessions, the queen believes, will have to be made on both sides. Prayer, drawn up probably by Cranmer 1 and Ridley in the time of Edward VI., and variously modified between then (1549) and 1661; (ii.) xvi. Even amongst the extreme advocates of the theory of mutations, the importance of magnitude is being discounted by their suggestion that some of the minute variations which have hitherto been regarded by them as insignificant "fluctuating variations" may be significant mutations. It was his suggestion about the newspaper subscription that started the whole business rolling— even if it was blind luck. The Trust agreed to reimburse the taxi fares on my suggestion. There is no suggestion of moral training of the slave; he is to be taught not by words (xxix. Remembering Len's suggestion that he might be in a witness protection program, she wondered if that innocent kiss might have ultimately put Yancey in danger. The suggestion was made, and seems to be the true explanation, that what was actually witnessed was the wave of light due to the outburst of the nova, spreading outwards with its velocity of 186,000 m. On purely epigraphic grounds the suggestion has indeed been made that it should be assigned to the Kassite period (not earlier than 1700 B.C. Citra brand HBC 394 cv. One or two scryers think that they, too, can trace the picture as it develops on the suggestion of some passage of light, colour or shadow in the glass or crystal. His suggestion to print from type made wedge-shaped (that is, smaller at the foot and wider at the top) to allow of its being so fixed on a cylinder that it would radiate from the centre and thus present an even printing surface, was adopted later by Applegath and others, and really was the first conception of printing on the rotary principle which has now been brought to such perfection. In it there would be no suggestion of hatred or revenge, nor a trace of the old-time belief that might makes right. The scientific importance of this step is to be measured by the degree of insight which it affords or promises into the molecular constitution of real bodies by the suggestion of experiments by which we may discriminate between rival molecular theories. IV. The name of this city is quite uncertain; Ecetra is a possible suggestion. The progress of the "higher criticism," and the gradual surrender of attempts to square scientific facts with a literal interpretation of the Bible, are indicated in the shorter account given in the eighth edition, which concludes as follows: - "the insuperable difficulties connected with the belief that all the existing species of animals were provided for in the ark, are obviated by adopting the suggestion of Bishop Stillingfleet, approved by Matthew Poole, Pye Smith, le Clerc, Rossenmiiller and others, that the deluge did not extend beyond the region of the earth then inhabited, and that only the animals of that region were preserved in the ark.". Aristotle's suggestion that Thales was led to his fundamental dogma by observation of the part which moisture plays in the production and the maintenance of life, and Simplicius's, that the impressibility and the binding power of water were perhaps also in his thoughts, are by admission purely conjectural.. Simplicius's further suggestion that Thales conceived the element to be modified by thinning and thickening is plainly inconsistent with the statement of Theophrastus that the hypothesis in question was peculiar to Anaximenes. The emoluments of this office, which involved no duties save that of continuing his scientific labours, were fixed at 1000 scudi; and it was the desire of increased leisure, rather than the promptings of local patriotism, which induced him to accept an offer the original suggestion of which had indeed come from himself. The title of the paper, The Representative, was Disraeli's suggestion. English Language Syllabus for Agriculture Officer. if, as seems probable, the earlier Greek version of the Book of Esther was made about 179 B.C. This is a suggestion which deserves to be well weighed. The latter, having confessed that they had given John a secret pledge to elect none but the bishop of Norwich, were released from the promise by Innocent; and at his suggestion elected Stephen Langton, who was consecrated by the pope on the 17th of June 1207. They have failed particularly when they have left the idea of " determination " unpurged of the suggestion of time succession. This conclusion is untenable, and the suggestion that the author was Pedro de Lobeira (who flourished in the 15th century) involves a glaring anachronism. A bonus was Richard's suggestion that Rachel Gough might join him in works including bassoon, also included on the CD. Check out full episodes and video clips of most popular shows online. I considered this suggestion carefully, then I told Mr. Rhoades that I should be proud and glad to have wise friends to whom I could always turn for advice in all important matters. If there be any truth in this suggestion it seems likely that the last word of idealism, like the first, will prove to be that the type of the highest reality is to be sought for not in any fixed Parmenidean circle of achieved being but in an ideal of good which while never fully expressed under the form of time can never become actual and so fulfil itself under any other. When a suggestion was made to the parlement to receive an envoy from Spain, the members had no hesitation in making terms with the court by the peace of Rueil (March 11, 1649), which ended the first Fronde. The special Darwinian hypothesis - natural " selection " - may or may not be true; it was at least a fruitful suggestion. A few months later Tumanbey, at the suggestion. It is doubtful, however, whether the conventional distinction between plants and animals will continue to be urged; and the suggestion of Haeckel that a class Protista should be established to receive the forms exhibiting both animal and plant affinities has much I. In 1838 an anti-Corn-Law association was formed at Manchester, which, on his suggestion, was afterwards changed into a national association, under the title of the Anti-Corn-Law League (see Corn Laws). (according to tradition on the suggestion of Nell Gwynne), and opened in 1694. Carpenter and others pointed out, however, that the phenomena obviously depended upon the expectation of the sitters, and could be stopped altogether by appropriate suggestion. Nothing came of this suggestion, and in due time the parliament proceeded to the second reading of the constitution. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 23-25) - presents an ethical difficulty which is scarcely removed by the suggestion that the narrative has lost some particulars which would have shown the real enormity of the children's offence. The allegations made in Sacheverell's report on the examination of Coleman prompted the country party to demand the exclusion of James, duke of York, from the succession to the throne, the first suggestion of the famous Exclusion Bill being made by Sacheverell on the 4th of November 1678 in a debate- "the greatest that ever was in Parliament," as it was pronounced by contemporaries - raised by Lord Russell with the object of removing the duke from the King's Council. bridles at the suggestion that neither she, nor anyone else, can live with the Williams sisters. Co-operation of the two factors appears to supply a causal theory of the occurrence of evolution; the suggestion of their co-operation and the comparison of the possible results with the actual achievements of breeders in producing varieties were the features of Charles Darwin's theoretical work which made it a new beginning in the science of biology, and which reduced to insignificance all earlier work on the theory of evolution. The mere suggestion, coming from him, was sufficient, and the change was at once agreed to. It has been contended that it is undesirable to move so great a mass as a floor when a platform alone is required to carry the observer. Four things will then happen that will make the suggestion engine get vastly better over time: Much as Dean had misgivings and knew he was being manip­ulated, Fred's suggestion made sense, and he reluctantly agreed to let the old man lead the prey to him. All this naked white human flesh, laughing and shrieking, floundered about in that dirty pool like carp stuffed into a watering can, and the suggestion of merriment in that floundering mass rendered it specially pathetic. (An illustration showing these arrangements appeared in The Engineer of July 9, 1886.) But new possibilities of conquest were now opened up at the suggestion of Alexius, the son of the deposed emperor Isaac. But while in all cases the suggestion of Clement's authorship came ultimately from his prestige as writer of the genuine Epistle of Clement (see Clement I. The detail, too, of the whole discussion is rich in suggestion, and subsequent logiciansUeberweg himself perhaps, Lotze certainly in his genetic scale of types of judgment and inference, Professor Bosanquet notably in his systematic development of " the morphology of knowledge," and others - have with reason exploited it. A more probable suggestion is Burkitt's, who thinks that many readings in our present Old Syriac MSS. The tradition that Romulus and Remus were suckled by a wolf has been explained by the suggestion that Larentia was called lupa ("courtesan," literally "she-wolf") on account of her immoral character (Livy i. To the Exclusion Bill he opposed a suggestion of compromise, and it is said that Charles offered him the bishopric of Chichester, "if he would come entirely into his interests.". The secretary, however, was not averse to increasing his popularity and his chances for the presidency by obtaining Cuba in an honourable manner, and it was at his suggestion that James Buchanan, J. I should have discussed Jake Weller's suggestion about my running for sheriff before dismissing it. The weak point in Hort's theory was the suggestion that the creed was brought before the council by Cyril in self justification. Volumetric methods are used, but the uncertainty of the end of the reaction has led to the suggestion of special indicators, or of determining the amount of cuprous oxide gravimetrically. In December 1807 he warmly seconded Jefferson's suggestion of an embargo and vigorously urged instant action, saying: "The president has recommended the measure on his high responsibility. It is said also that John himself, on the advice of his relative, Pierre Robert Olivetan, the first translator of the Bible into French, had begun to study the Scriptures and to dissent from the Roman worship. He looks shocked at the suggestion, and a little crestfallen. Syrian people loomed so large in ancient records as did the Hittites, and the suggestion began to find acceptance. Knowledge resides not in sense but in reason, which, on the suggestion of sensations of changing individuals, apprehends, or (to be precise) is reminded of, real universal forms, and, by first ascending from less to more general until it arrives at the form of good and then descending from this unconditional principle to the less general, becomes science and philosophy, using as its method the dialectic which gives and receives questions and answers between man and man. Accordingly, every treatise on applied mathematics, properly so-called, is directed to the criticism of the "laws" from which the reasoning starts, or to a suggestion of results which experiment may hope to find. His petition of remonstrance against the proposed assessment, drawn up at the suggestion of George Nicholas (c. 1755-1799), was widely circulated and procured its defeat. IBPS Books Online for Bank Exam Preparation. The Contrat social, as its title implies, endeavours to base all government on the consent, direct or implied, of the governed, and indulges in much ingenious argument to get rid of the practical inconveniences of such a suggestion. There is no suggestion of the popular idea that the mitre symbolizes the " tongues of fire " that descended on the heads of the apostles at Pentecost. George Bancroft, the historian, has asserted that this suggestion came originally from him, and Gideon J. *puts hand up* I have a suggestion. He advanced the ingenious suggestion that, as body is in body and all ultimately in the world-body, so soul is in soul and all ultimately in the world-soul. There is no evidence that this artificial reckoning according to the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet was ever much more than a fanciful suggestion. IBPS SO Exam Pattern 2018 for AFO and All Post. At the suggestion of Sir William Jones, the attorney-general, he began his History of the Reformation in England, based on original documents. Unlike an arbitrating power the mediator limits his intervention to suggestion and advice. And to qualify for registration after 1904 one must have paid all state poll taxes assessed against him for the three years immediately preceding his application, unless he is a veteran of the Civil War; and unless physically unable he must "make application in his own handwriting, without aid, suggestion or memorandum, in the presence of the registration officers, stating therein his name, age, date and place of birth, residence and occupation at the time and for two years next preceding, whether he has previously voted, and, if so, the state, county and precinct in which he voted last"; and must answer questions relating to his qualifications. As for diet, the suggestion was to avoid refined carbohydrates and increase intake of antioxidant foods. 6 Tips – Tricks + Study Plan, IBPS Specialist Officer Agriculture field Officer (AFO) books Updates,, IBPS AFO Current Affairs Preparation tips, एग्रीकल्चर फील्ड ऑफिसर की प्रिपरेशन, Latest IBPS Exam Dates – Schedule 2016 – 2017, Step By Step Process How to Apply for IBPS It Officer, IBPS AFO Book Complete Guide With Solved Papers. Halley's most notable scientific achievements were - his detection of the "long inequality" of Jupiter and Saturn, and of the acceleration of the moon's mean motion (1693), his discovery of the proper motions of the fixed stars (1718), his theory of variation (1683), including the hypothesis of four magnetic poles, revived by C. Hansteen in 1819, and his suggestion of the magnetic origin of the aurora borealis; his calculation of the orbit of the 1682 comet (the first ever attempted), coupled with a prediction of its return, strikingly verified in 1759; and his indication (first in 1679, and again in 1716, Phil. Experiencing Phoenix pay issues? These things may have had some effect by way of suggestion; the scryer may have been brought by them into an appropriate frame of mind; but, as a whole, they are tedious and superfluous. This last suggestion, improbable though it be, is historically important. In a few months' time, the land will be underwater, submerged by the contentious Site C dam. A.D. They were beaten and driven back; but at the suggestion of Hermocrates they carried a counter-work up the slope of Epipolae, which, if completed, would cut in two the Athenian lines and frustrate the blockade. Boaty McBoatface is the British lead boat in a fleet of three robotic Autosub Long Range (ALR) class of lithium battery-powered autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The suggestion that the last chapter only, not the whole Pentateuch, was written later, is met by Hobbes by reference to Gen. 5; also the articles Psychology, Suggestion, &c. The peculiar nature of the action between iodine and chlorine in aqueous solution has led to the suggestion that the product is a base, i.e. All Rights Reserved. There is more to be said for the suggestion that he was the brother of St Luke. 4 Chree's experiments were undertaken at the suggestion of J. The estrangement was not of long continuance; for we find Antony meeting the dictator at Narbo the following year, and rejecting the suggestion of Trebonius that he should join in the conspiracy that was already on foot. They do not represent the opinions of An attempt was made to include, under the expression "constructive corruption," among these statutory grounds of reduction, irregular conduct on the part of an arbitrator, with no suggestion of any corrupt motive. This Plato expressed in the myth of the Sun, but the garment of mythology in which Plato clothed his idealism, beautiful as it is in itself and full of suggestion, covered an essential weakness. Menu suggestion Salad of Herb Baked Goats Cheese with avocado, crisp bacon and toasted hazelnuts. His services to his church have been summed up thus: - (I) he has a keen sense of the proportion of the faith and maintains a clear distinction between what is fundamental, needing ecclesiastical commands, and subsidiary, needing only ecclesiastical guidance and suggestion; (2) as distinguished from the earlier protesting standpoint, e.g. To the odd terminology of Donne's poetic philosophy Dryden gave the name of "metaphysics," and Johnson, borrowing the suggestion, invented the title of the "metaphysical school" to describe, not Donne only, but all the amorous and philosophical poets who succeeded him, and who employed a similarly fantastic language, and who affected odd figurative inversions. We gave him our assurances we 'd not violate his trust though I thought Betsy 's of! Join him in works including bassoon, also included on the 23rd July... 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