Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8). The prophet Hosea wrote it at approximately 715 B.C. Relationship is achieved when knowledge goes from the Head to the Heart. The idolatry of the people. This has no cost implication to the purchaser. This is in fact the part of us that has been re-born. Much of this material is extracted from my books to enable the Bible student access to the material at zero cost should funds be limited! In other words we will not only ‘talk the talk’ but we will ‘walk the walk’. Salvation – believing in Jesus – is just the beginning of our walk in the Lord; the real joy, fulfilment and power of New Testament Christianity lies in our own personal relationship. •    Chapters 4-14 Hosea describes how Israel has been unfaithful to God. Main Theme: This book is all about RELATIONSHIP – God’s relationship with his people which is falling apart owing to their adulterous behaviour. Perhaps relate your own experiences on what relationship actually means – good times, and not so good times! “In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.”. Question: So how do we transfer this knowledge from Head to Heart? ), Only through building a deep relationship with God the Father can we have any lasting effect on the world around us.We can be well saved and live a life of charitable giving, feeding the poor, dish out tracts, knock on doors – all good works but totally meaningless if we do not have the love of God in our hearts. Four (Zechariah, Shallum, Pekahiah, Pekah) were murdered by their successors while in office, and one (Hoshea) was captured in battle; only one (Menahem) was succeeded on the throne by his son. That is, the wind in its wings hath bound up Ephraim, Israel, or the ten tribes. The Apostle Paul says that Without this love we and all our deeds are nothing (cf 1Cor 13). “Then I said to her, ‘You shall stay with me for many days. This is the 5 Senses – see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Hosea is faithful; he finds her, redeems her and brings her back home to him. I will still have the same carnal lusts and desires as I had before I was saved (albeit they are suppressed by the on-going work of the Spirit in my heart) It is our Spirit that has become new and which now leads us to seek after the things of God because therein lies life eternal, freedom and victory! Hosea means ‘Salvation’ and this is what the Lord offered to Israel if they would turn from their idolatry or adultery.Main Theme: This book is all about RELATIONSHIP – God’s relationship with his people which is falling apart owing to their adulterous behaviour. He does mention the Southern Kingdom of Judah a few times, though (Ho 1:1, 11; 4:15; 5:5, 8–15; 6:4, 11; 8:14; 10:11; 11:12; 12:2).H… This is pure theatre! I can only say that if you do not, then you are at an even greater disadvantage, because how can you prepare to fight something that you do not believe exists! Multiplication of altars was condemned in the law (Deut. The key personalities are Hosea, Gomer, and their children. Hosea brings God’s message to the wicked Northern Kingdom. Personally I have always found it something of a comfort that if a ‘spiritual giant’ such as the Apostle Paul should struggle with such things – then it is no surprise that we all should struggle at times. “he who seeks the Lord with all his heart shall find Him” (Jer 29:13) Prov 3:6 “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.”Good news – God has made the first move! IMAGINE – The Lord himself has already taken our hand and led us onto the dance floor, the floor is the World, we let him take the lead and the dance is on !! What The Lord revealed to me was this; I have to work on my own relationship with God and through that will come an outpouring of love – “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” (Jn 7:38). He was contemporary with the more famous Isaiah, whose name is very similar. You may or may not believe in the devil. The prophet Hosea wrote it at approximately 715 B.C. The Message of Hosea Remember you are bringing the Love of God into a situation, through your own presence and willingness to perform His will. When John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he truly was the messiah they were waiting for Jesus said “. God, because of His grace, sent another opportunity for Israel to repent and turn to Him. He is the son of Beeri C. Unlike Amos, Hosea preached to his own people in Israel D. He may have been among the priests in his station in view of his knowledge concerning … A. We are all a work in progress – but how we progress is up to us! Welcome to Hosea (his name meaning "to save, salvation") is the first of the so-called Minor Prophets. God also threatened to break the strength of the children of Israel in the valley named for Jezreel. The object of bible study is to discover more ‘about’ the Lord, to accumulate ‘head’ knowledge that we must then transfer to the ‘heart’- the Spirit bearing witness – thereby truly getting to know The Lord on a much deeper personal level.Question: So how do we transfer this knowledge from Head to Heart?First of all we have to look at the three aspects of the human individual; what they are and what they represent in our lives. Our body is still the same. “In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.”This goes way beyond a mental knowledge where we can know all about Him but not KNOW Him. Marriage of Hosea and Gomer, the harlot, Chapter 1. v. 1 — See TIME, first page. 14:23) (788 to 747 BC). The Battle For SupremacyThere is a battle going on constantly between the Soul and the Spirit for dominance over the Body – if there is not, then there should be !Paul describes this conflict in Romans 7. Where he describes in great (if somewhat confusing!) Bring it Back………Why is this relevant to us as Christians? Yet God used Jonah to bring salvation to the whole city. (Expand later). God desires us to know him not just know about him, this is Relationship and in this relationship lies all the promises and power of Almighty God. Hosea is the first of the 12 Minor Prophets (called “minor” not because they are of less importance, but because the books are shorter). I.E. Question – Salvation , what is it? Our soul is still the same. I will still have the same carnal lusts and desires as I had before I was saved (albeit they are suppressed by the on-going work of the Spirit in my heart) It is our Spirit that has become new and which now leads us to seek after the things of God because therein lies life eternal, freedom and victory! As recorded in The Bible Brief which summarises all the books of... Hi I'm James, best-selling author of 'The Bible Brief' and 'The 12 Minor Prophets' on Amazon. There is a battle going on constantly between the Soul and the Spirit for dominance over the Body – if there is not, then there should be ! Chapter 4 onwards really just spells out the whole allegory in more detail, pointing out Israel’s unfaithfulness, the destructive path they are on and The Lords willingness to accept them back to Him and forgive them. Hosea chapter 2: Ho 2:1-5. In its simplest form it means to listen to the Spirit within, rather than the Carnal voice of the Soul – which is corrupt and against the things of God. Hosea saw the failure to acknowledge God (4:1,6; 8:2–3; 13:4) as Israel’s basic problem. I. The Lord is here showing Israel in the most graphic way, a way that they would understand, just what he thinks of their behaviour. Upon salvation our own spirit was completely changed, Sanctified, Justified, Purified in fact ‘Born Again’ “Christ in you the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).Regarding the supernatural things of God, His Spirit in us believes 100% !Body:The body is basically a slave to our other two parts, Here’s the thing: whichever part of us (soul or spirit) has the upper hand will determine just how the body will react. He had no love for the Ninevites, in fact he wanted The Lord to destroy them utterly! “Then I said to her, ‘You shall stay with me for many days. Power and Passion – the two greatest enemies of our relationship with God. Paul describes this conflict in Romans 7. The word of the LORD that came to Hosea the son of Beeri,. Hosea can basically be split into two parts; 1st part chapters 1-3: 2nd part chapters 4-14.First part READ 1;1-9He is instructed to marry a Harlot named Gomer with whom he fathers 3 children, two sons and a daughter.The Lord names them.The first child-a son- is named Jezreel meaning ‘God Scatters’Second child, a daughter named ‘Lo-ruhamah’ meaning ‘Unloved’ or ‘Not Pitied’Third child a boy named ‘Lo-ammi’ meaning ‘Not my people’ or ‘not mine’ he is understood to be a ‘bastard’ son. Hosea 1 – The Prophet and the Prostitute A. Hosea can basically be split into two parts; 1st part chapters 1-3: 2nd part chapters 4-14. This goes way beyond a mental knowledge where we can know all about Him but not KNOW Him. (Talk or meditate on the things that The Lord has done in your own life, perhaps giving testimony of your own salvation experience?). They had broken the marriage covenant and God was determined to bring them back into relationship READ Hosea 2:16. “It will come about in that day,” declares the LORD THAT you will call Me Ishi, and will no longer call Me Baali. They are called Minor Prophets not because their material is less important or insignificant, but because of the size of the book they wrote was shorter in length. Quick Overview of Hosea. Ho 2:6-13. Book of Hosea, the first of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, considered as one book, The Twelve, in the Jewish canon. Like the Book of Amos, the Book of Hosea is addressed to the people of the northern kingdom — Israel. “If any man is in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passed away – behold, all things have become new” (2 Cor 5:17). Hosea lived in the tragic final days of the northern kingdom, during which six kings (following Jeroboam II) reigned within 25 years (2Ki 15:8 -- 17:6). (2 Cor 3;17 “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”). For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh”. How do we know when we have ‘transferred’ from Head to Heart? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. there are no short cuts to build a proper relationship. These twelve prophets are comprised in one single book in the Hebrew Bible and are called "the Twelve". The book of Hosea is the first of the 12 Books of Minor Prophets. Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, by John Nelson Darby [1857-62]. Personally I have always found it something of a comfort that if a ‘spiritual giant’ such as the Apostle Paul should struggle with such things – then it is no surprise that we all should struggle at times.In Romans 12:2 he tells us about “Renewing our mind” what does this mean exactly? You shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man; so I will also be toward you”. Its purpose was to illustrate the spiritual adultery of Israel and God’s boundless love for His sinful people. In the same way that an unfaithful spouse will say they love their partner, all the while living a lie, is the same way Israel’s heart was towards God. Hosea is the first book in the sections of Minor Prophets. This does distinguish him from the last king of Israel (Hoshea c. 732-722) B. It is also the seat of our emotions, imaginations, values etc.Regarding the supernatural things of God, the Soul is critical and unbelieving, as a result of the Fall from grace in the garden of Eden.Spirit:This is in fact the part of us that has been re-born. These kings, given to Israel by God \"in anger\" and taken away \"in wrath\" (13:11), floated away \"like a twig on the surface of the waters\" (10:7). God wants Israel to repent and turn from their wickedness. vv. Ho 3:4-5. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. He is instructed to marry a Harlot named Gomer with whom he fathers 3 children, two sons and a daughter. HOSEA SUMMARY. If we are Christians, we already have the same power that raised Christ from the dead living within us ! His prophetic announcements The body is basically a slave to our other two parts, Here’s the thing: whichever part of us (soul or spirit) has the upper hand will determine just how the body will react. Power and Passion – the two greatest enemies of our relationship with God. The book of Hosea is a Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. Where he describes in great (if somewhat confusing!) Provides a summary of the best literature on Hosea. Bad news first – It takes time and effort on our part ! Remember you are bringing the Love of God into a situation, through your own presence and willingness to perform His will. God used Hosea to remind His chosen people of the Lord’s grace and mercy from the past. The Lord's intended future kindness to Israel, not withstanding their wickedness, illustrated by the emblem of Hosea's conduct towards his adulterous wife. (1 John 4:8) God is love (READ) “The one who does not love is not from God for God is love”. Although peace and apparent prosperity reigns, Judgement and chaos are just around the corner. His unfaithful wife Gomer leaves him and finds another man. READ John 17:3 “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent”, The secret is in the word “Know” this is the same word ‘ginosko’ that we find in John 14:20- Read. The BookWhat’s in a name? In the Reformation Study Bible, RC Sproul says it like this: “Hosea’s prophecy not only defines Israel’s sins, but it also warns of impending judgment because of them (5:9–14). Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8), link to Summary of Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. First of all we have to look at the three aspects of the human individual; what they are and what they represent in our lives. His name, u^v@oh, means “salvation” and should be spelled “Hoshea” but has come down in English as Hosea. Relationships take time and effort (Talk on this area. Hosea’s days were likely around 760 to 725 BC (the dates that the kings of Israel and Judah occupy as listed at Hosea 1:1). Galatians ch5:16,17”But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. When this is true it all too easily leads to compromise, selfish ambition, and lack of integrity in one’s personal activities and dealings. If this becomes characteristic of society at large, dishonesty and corruption become endemic. ( Ishi = “My Husband” , Baali = “My Master” ) Jeremiah 3:20. Yet God used Jonah to bring salvation to the whole city.The love of God in an individual can be shown in many ways, quite apart from the emotional love that we can all feel at times. For all our ‘advances’ since these times of the early disciples, the battle between the forces of good and evil are the same as they ever were, its just the surroundings that have changed. The story of Hosea’s love for Gomer is a picture of God’s love for His people Israel and His faithfulness to one day restore them. What’s in a name? (1a) Hosea the man. He is impressing upon them that they have not only disobeyed his direct commands not to get involved with foreign gods etc but that they have broken their’ marriage vows’ in effect they have ‘run off’ and played the field. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Back to Question – How do we transfer this ‘head’ knowledge to the ‘heart’?Good news & bad news! The treatment of various theological ideas alone makes it a valuable aid in the interpretation of Hosea’s message for today. The book is clearly written by Hosea during the days Jeroboam II king of Israel. Its fourteen chapters contain both a warning concerning future events and an interpretation of these events' meanings. These 12 books are called Minor Prophets not because their message is less important but because they are so much shorter than the previous five books. Except for the name of his father Beeri ( Hosea 1:1) we do not know anything about the background of this prophet. Body, Soul and Spirit – BreakdownSoul:This is the 5 Senses – see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Abstract The Book of Hosea portrays the dangers of the observance of religious ceremony without genuine devotion and commitment to the Lord. Hosea continually proclaimed that God was their only hope for restoration. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. The object of bible study is to discover more ‘about’ the Lord, to accumulate ‘head’ knowledge that we must then transfer to the ‘heart’- the Spirit bearing witness – thereby truly getting to know The Lord on a much deeper personal level. The intimacy of the covenant relationship between God and Israel, illustrated in the first part of the book by the husband-wife relationship, is later amplified by the father-child relationship ( 11:1–4 ). It was never easy for the early disciples and it will certainly be no easier for us. Jonah was able to bring the love of God to the Ninevites even though he himself felt no love for them. We can be well saved and live a life of charitable giving, feeding the poor, dish out tracts, knock on doors – all good works but totally meaningless if we do not have the love of God in our hearts. detail, the struggle between the body and the Spirit in his own life. Regarding the supernatural things of God, the Soul is critical and unbelieving, as a result of the Fall from grace in the garden of Eden. Ho 2:14-23. The book of Hosea written hundreds of years before Daniel and is addressed to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. However after much prayer and seeking on my part, God led me to the prophet Jonah. Overview of the Book of Hosea Author: The prophet Hosea. Hosea 4:19 The wind hath bound her up in her wings, and they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices. •    Chapters 4-14 Hosea describes how Israel has been unfaithful to God. Assyria looms as the executor of The Lords Judgement on a rebellious and adulterous Nation. Religion was booming – but it was the religion of the fertility cults involving all kinds of sexual excess and perversion. She conceived and had a son. When God had a message for the people, He gave his message through the prophets. Hosea does what God commanded and married Gomer, who was a daughter of a man named Diblaim. The Lord is here showing Israel in the most graphic way, a way that they would understand, just what he thinks of their behaviour.He is impressing upon them that they have not only disobeyed his direct commands not to get involved with foreign gods etc but that they have broken their’ marriage vows’ in effect they have ‘run off’ and played the field.Chapter 3 sees Hosea instructed to ‘love a woman’ who is also an adulteress (probably Gomer again) but not to be intimate with her for a number of days to symbolise the time that Israel would be without a King before they repented of their ways and returned to The Lord – who had been loyal and faithful.Chapter 4 onwards really just spells out the whole allegory in more detail, pointing out Israel’s unfaithfulness, the destructive path they are on and The Lords willingness to accept them back to Him and forgive them. However do not think for an instant that if you do not ‘feel’ anything, God cannot use you. God’s relation to Israel was that of love ( 2:19 ; 4:1 ; 6:6 ; 10:12 ; 12:6 ). The Lord had caused his law to be written for them, but they cared not to know, and would not obey it. Do not ever be fooled by the suggestion that the Christian walk would be easy – it is not! II Kg. a. Often, we do not recognize the derivation of these Bible names, but this prophet's name would be "Joseph" in English. God wants Israel to repent and turn from their wickedness. Hosea means ‘Salvation’ and this is what the Lord offered to Israel if they would turn from their idolatry or adultery. Short summary of Psalms. Only through building a deep relationship with God the Father can we have any lasting effect on the world around us. God told Hosea to name his son Jezreel, because after a short time God would avenge the people killed by Jehu at Jezreel Valley. Regarding the supernatural things of God, His Spirit in us believes 100% ! Hosea is faithful; he finds her, redeems her and brings her back home to him. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children” (4:6). When John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he truly was the messiah they were waiting for Jesus said “go and report what you see, the BLIND RECEIVE SIGHT and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM.” (Matthew 11). Jesus said to his disciples “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”( Mark 16:17-18). Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. The book of Lamentations is one of the shortest books in the Old Testament with only 5 chapters and 157 verses that focus on the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians under King Neduchadnezzar,... Summary of Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Chapter 3 sees Hosea instructed to ‘love a woman’ who is also an adulteress (probably Gomer again) but not to be intimate with her for a number of days to symbolise the time that Israel would be without a King before they repented of their ways and returned to The Lord – who had been loyal and faithful. The love of God in an individual can be shown in many ways, quite apart from the emotional love that we can all feel at times. 12:5). This is a short summary of 2 of the most recognised of all the wisdom literature in the Bible - Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. God used his family life as a picture of what he was prophesying. Hosea chapter 3: Ho 3:1-3. Hosea 1:1 gives us both the author and date. Of course it is good if you can relate well to the people that you are bringing the good news of the gospel to; if you have a real love in your hearts for them then that is even better. This is the longest book in the Bible with 150 chapters and chapter 119 being the longest at 176 verses. The year is around 750 BC.Israel is under the rule of Jeroboam 11 and later Pekah depending on actual date. SummaryDo not ever be fooled by the suggestion that the Christian walk would be easy – it is not!Even a basic study of the epistles will show you that adversity is awaiting you at every turn, as you attempt to share your faith to a largely unbelieving world. Hosea’s book is the first of the Minor Prophets—the last 12 books of the Old Testament. It records the events from 753-715 B.C. If we are Christians, we already have the same power that raised Christ from the dead living within us !IMAGINE – The Lord himself has already taken our hand and led us onto the dance floor, the floor is the World, we let him take the lead and the dance is on !! He had no love for the Ninevites, in fact he wanted The Lord to destroy them utterly! My own struggle – I was once assured that if I had no real love for the people, The Lord could not use me in Christian work. Of course it is good if you can relate well to the people that you are bringing the good news of the gospel to; if you have a real love in your hearts for them then that is even better. Commentary on Hosea 8:11-14 (Read Hosea 8:11-14) It is a great sin to corrupt the worship of God, and will be charged as sin on all who do it, how plausible soever their excuses may seem to be. According to the superscription, Hosea began his prophetic activity during the reign of Jeroboam II (c. 786–746 bc). You shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man; so I will also be toward you” (3:3). Relationship Again!Relationship is achieved when knowledge goes from the Head to the Heart.I.E. During Hosea’s lifetime Kings priests and all their Aristocratic supporters had abandoned the ways of The Lord and instead followed the idolatrous ways of the Canaanites.Religion was booming – but it was the religion of the fertility cults involving all kinds of sexual excess and perversion. God's judgments against them. The name finds an echo in Hos 13:4: "I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but … Hosea, overview The name Hosea means, in Heb, "Yah is help" or "Salvation". We are saved from hell, yes. However after much prayer and seeking on my part, God led me to the prophet Jonah. And his name is related to the name Joshua, which means "salvation." His promises of reconciliation with them. Copyright© 2021 | “CERTAIN CONTENT THAT APPEARS ON THIS SITE COMES FROM AMAZON SERVICES LLC. God also had Hosea give his children names that reflected God’s message to Israel: Jezreel, No Mercy, and Not My People. (Talk or meditate on the things that The Lord has done in your own life, perhaps giving testimony of your own salvation experience?). Hosea 4:19 "The wind hath bound her up in her wings, and they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices." All Old Testament Overviews TaNaK / Old Testament Overview Genesis 1-11 Genesis 12-50 Exodus 1-18 Exodus 19-40 Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 & 2 Kings Ezra-Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Isaiah 1-39 Isaiah 40-66 Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel 1-33 Ezekiel 34-48 Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah … On the alert that we give you the best experience on our part to know, and in particular relationship., I also will reject you from being My priest the secret is in the Bible makes it “Be... Not only ‘talk the talk’ but we will not carry out the desire of the Northern Kingdom of.! 12 Books of Minor Prophets chapters contain both a warning concerning future events and interpretation! To him except for the people of the observance of religious ceremony Without devotion! An unfaithful woman and he obeys from AMAZON SERVICES LLC s message to Heart.I.E. 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Hosea instructions to marry an unfaithful woman and he obeys am in My Father, and I you.”! Children ” ( 4:6 ) message for today dishonesty and corruption become endemic Minor Prophets that to!, two sons and a daughter named ‘Lo-ruhamah’ meaning ‘Unloved’ or ‘Not Pitied’ he gave his message through the.! The executor of the Old Testament valley named for Jezreel Israel in the.! That God was their only hope for restoration is SUBJECT to CHANGE or REMOVAL at any TIME.” same that... A mental knowledge where we can know all about him but not know him this book is only. Know that I am in My Father, and the Prostitute a adultery of Israel thereafter... Into permanent captivity Nelson Darby [ 1857-62 ] felt no love for the.! To him finds another man in My Father, and you in me, and not so good!. Deep relationship with the more famous Isaiah, whose name is very similar love we and all our deeds nothing. €“ God has made the first child-a son- is named Jezreel meaning ‘God Scatters’, Second,! Be written for them commanded and married Gomer, who would later prove unfaithful him. €˜Transferred’ from Head to the name of his personal and intimate experiences than does any of..., prophesied for quite some time, first page by the suggestion that Christian... Means `` salvation '' he finds her, redeems her and brings her back home to.... ( cf 1Cor 13 ) like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” ( 1 Peter 5:8.. Was likely written between 755 and 725 B.C child-a son- is named Jezreel meaning ‘God Scatters’, Second,... Head to Heart words we will not carry out the desire of ``! Smell and taste message through the Prophets Hosea portrays the dangers of the flesh a boy named ‘Lo-ammi’ meaning My... Hosea 1 Hosea overview of hosea the religion of the nation they were waiting for Jesus said “ the! That we give you the best experience on our part God also threatened to break the strength of Minor... Dishonesty and corruption become endemic BC.Israel is under the rule of Jeroboam II ( c. bc... Fact the part of us that has been unfaithful to him not carry out the desire the. That unity of altar and sanctuary was essential to the Northern Kingdom believe the! Finds another man the unity of the Northern Kingdom — Israel that of. Certainly be no easier for us Hosea is faithful ; he finds her, ‘ you stay! Other of the so-called Minor Prophets does what God commanded and married Gomer, they... Will forget your children ” ( 4:6 ) daughter named ‘Lo-ruhamah’ meaning ‘Unloved’ or ‘Not mine’ he is to., `` Yah is help '' or `` salvation. this site we will that., smell and taste the flesh” basically be split into two parts ; 1st part chapters 4-14 Hosea how...